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How Do You Wash Dog Toys?

Written by: Deanna deBara

December 14, 2018

Your dog loves his toys. But in the process of loving his dog toys, chances are he’s getting them filthy.

Whether it’s carrying a Plush Toy around in his mouth, dragging his Fetch Toys through the mud, or slobbering all over his Tug Toy, your dog will find inevitably find some way to make sure every one of his toys gets nice and dirty. But you don’t want them to stay that way—so how do you take your dog toys from “nice and dirty” to “nice and clean?”

Medium dog with tug toy

Let’s take a closer look at how to wash dog toys:

Use The Right Materials

The most important thing to keep in mind when figuring out how to wash dog toys? Making sure you’re using the right materials.

The cleaning solutions you use to clean your bathroom or your kitchen counter aren’t going to work for cleaning your dog toys. Many cleaning products contain chemicals, dyes, and fragrances that can be toxic for dogs. So when you’re cleaning your pup’s toy collection, skip the Clorox and use natural, non-toxic materials like baking soda or white vinegar.

Now that you know what kind of materials to use to clean your dog toys, let’s talk about how to actually clean them.

Pop Them In The Washing Machine…

If you want to clean your dog’s soft, plushie toys, throw them in the washing machine. Not only will a cycle through the washing machine get rid of any dirt or grime on your dog’s toys, but it will also remove any dust mites that might be hiding in the plush.

Yorkie on a pile of plush toys

Sprinkle each toy with a bit of baking soda and put them into the washing machine. Skip the detergent and add a tablespoon or two of white vinegar during the rinse cycle.

Once the toys are nice and clean, squeeze any excess water from each toy. Let the toy air dry before giving back to your pup.

…Or The Dishwasher

If your dog has toys made out of plastic or rubber, the quickest and easiest way to wash them is by loading them into the dishwasher! One cycle will give your dog toys a deep and thorough clean – zero scrubbing required.

Pit Bull With BarkBox Super Chewer Toy

Make sure to load all dog toys into the top rack of the dishwasher, along with any other items you want to clean (like your dog bowls). Add white vinegar in place of dishwashing detergent and run through a normal cycle.

Soak Your Toys

If you don’t have access to a dishwasher or washing machine, soaking your dog toys in a solution that’s equal parts white vinegar and water can be just as effective. Fill a bucket or sink with the vinegar/water solution. Sprinkle a bit of bathing soda on each toy and let it soak in the solution. After it’s done soaking, squeeze out any excess water and let air dry.

Toys too dirty to salvage? Try BarkBox

Golden Retriever with Christmas Themed BarkBox

If your dog’s toys are just too dirty to salvage, it may be time to throw some new toys into the mix with BarkBox.

With BarkBox, you’ll get a selection of brand new toys, treats, and chews delivered straight to your door each month. New toys for your dog, less cleaning for you—it’s a win-win!

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Written by: Deanna deBara

December 14, 2018

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A themed collection of BARK-designed toys, treats, and chews.


A themed collection of BARK-designed toys, treats, and chews.