
Dogs And Their Humans ‘Lady And The Tramp’ It Up And The Result Is Adorable

Written by: Katie Kirnan

January 11, 2016

A spaghetti and meatball dinner between Dog and Human typically goes like this: Human tries to eat dinner, Human is subjected to gripping intensity of Dog boring its eyes into Human, Human either breaks down and gives Dog a little bite, or, Human is wracked with crippling guilt for the rest of their miserable life (or so Dog hopes). But never, EVER does a cute little Disney scene like this happen:

human feeding dog meatball

UNTIL NOW!! In a drool-inducing historical moment, Dog and Human finally came to the table as equals. In fact, five lucky dogs took their equally lucky humans out for a Lady and the Tramp-esque evening. The couples enjoyed a delicious spaghetti and meatballs, followed by an exquisite almond cake. Take a look at these decadent dates:

Some pups were more polite than others…

"You don't mind if I start, do you?"
“You don’t mind if I start, do you?”
"You weren't gonna eat that, right? Thanks."
“You weren’t gonna eat that, right? Thanks.”

…while another was hesitant, certain it was a trap…

"You swear this isn't some sort of trick?"
“You swear this isn’t some sort of trick?”

…still, a couple others took the opportunity to get the full royal treatment.

"She thinks I can't cut my own food HAHAHAHA I TOTALLY CAN"
“She thinks I can’t cut my own food but I TOTALLY CAN HAHAHAHA!!”
dog meatball 3
“Yup. Right there. Perfect.”

You can watch the entire doggie date video here.

“Hand it over, human.”

Except maybe don’t watch it around your pup, unless you’re prepared to cook the meal yourself — which you totally can! Recipes for both the dinner and dessert are here! And don’t worry — all of the food was specially designed and prepared by certified canine nutritionist Stacy Alldredge, so everything’s dog-and-human-friendly.

Featured image via Mashable

H/t via Mashable

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Written by: Katie Kirnan

January 11, 2016

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