
Toucan Forgot How To Bird, Likes Belly Rubs More Than Your Dog

Written by: Dr. Katy Nelson

March 1, 2016

Meet Ripley. She is a puppy in a toucan suit, and adores getting scratched behind her ea—well, everywhere.

ripley snuggles

She was acquired as a wee thing, back when she was a little more yellow and a little less orange, but still as beautiful as ever.


baby ripley

In addition to munching on her gourmet meals of blueberries and papayas, Ripley is completely content just curled up in her human’s lap. She’s also been known to ball-up toucan style for a nap whenever the feeling strikes.

sleeping ripley

As a bit of educational fun, her human gives us all an interesting informational tidbit:

Toucans have the unique ability to use their bill as a personal radiator. It’s speculated that they can keep themselves warm while sleeping using their bill! They also have the ability to tuck their tail flat against their backs- an ability not shared by many birds!

You know what else is not shared by many birds? The desire to cuddle on a warm lap and be scratched until the sun goes down. I mean seriously, just look at her face! Eyes closed, beak slightly open… she’s in a state of pure bliss. Now that is one cute puppy. Toucan. I mean toucan.

Stay up to date with Ripley’s antics on her Facebook page!

H/t The Chive, Featured Image via Ripley the Toucan/YouTube + Ripley the Toucan/Facebook

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Written by: Dr. Katy Nelson

March 1, 2016

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